Last weekend, a handful of us were privileged enough to be granted the opportunity to head out to numerous farms in the Dubbo region to offer donated goods and lend a hand on their farms.

Teaming up with Team Rubicon and Lions, we spread ourselves out amongst various farms and helped the locals with general maintenance.

In my 3 day visit, I was able to reach out to 50+ farmers, and provide manual labour to 2 of them.

I was also lucky enough to listen in to a few stories and learned about some of the hardship each farmer has gone through. In some cases, I think the farmers were more grateful to be talking with someone rather than having work done on their farm.

I experienced first hand just how dry and arid the earth has become in the western parts of NSW. I also got a glimpse of how hard a simple task can become in 35°c heat, with limited resources and shade.

Driving home, reminiscing over my experience, I came to 1 conclusion.

Farmers are bloody tough humans.

Thanks Scott Macqueen, Team Rubicon and SLSA for providing me and a few good mates this opportunity.

Nothing beats the feeling of camaraderie and mateship.

We’re here for you.
