Collaroy Rugby Club Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: 31st March 2014
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Griffith Park Clubhouse
Attendees: Graham Davies, Cel Green, Paul Van Der Zwaag, Cheryle Riley, Barry Muncke, Grant Newark, Belinda Robinson, Mick Barry, Eileen Dunkley, Simon Jones
Apologies: Phil Feltscheer, Kirsty Lambly, Bruce Nicholas, Lata Wilkinson, Tim Lockrey, Crombie Pitts, Peter Bremner
Chair: Graham Davies
Minutes: Cheryle Riley
Minutes from last meeting on 3 March 2014
Minutes were agreed.
Actions arising from last meeting
All outstanding actions have either passed or to be discussed in agenda items.
President update
- All trial games went well
- Training shirts will arrive approx 10th April to be distributed to teams
- GD went to a meeting with SJRU regarding gradings. All clubs requested grades for each age group but new format enabled other clubs to argue and have the grades changed if they believed these to be incorrect. Most grading was approved by clubs but it was made clear that the SJRU will be looking closely at the first 4 rounds to see if re-grading was necessary.
- Cougars Phone App – It was decided not to go ahead with it for this season. Prior to the end of this season, we will have a demonstration of the app and will consider it for next season.
- ARU Coaching Course – Went well, we had 30 people show up which as surprising as only 10 people had replied to say they were going to attend.
229 registrations for 2014 which is approx 10% increase on last year. Good considering numbers for a lot of other local clubs in Warringah area are down. 15’s and 16’s age group are struggling all round. BM advised we need to review what happened with 15’s this year. It would be beneficial to look at the trends over the last 2 years to see if it is a sign of the times or something we could have done to prevent. Need for a strategy for U13’s moving up into this age group in the future as we need to continue to have numbers of 20 to 23 kids to field a team in U15’s. GD advised that he had sent an email out to parents to try and receive feedback but no response from anyone. If this situation happens again, need to have a plan to make decisions about merging with other clubs sooner. Make contact with existing players earlier to ascertain if they will be registering again for the following year. Succession plan to be put in place for coaches.
BM asked for committee decision about games recorded for players. It was agreed that players will only receive points for playing for Collaroy Cougars or if in an official joint team. If they leave the club & play for another club regardless of the reason, they will not receive club points.
Coaching Director/Coordinator
BN sent apologies
Concrete Verandah around the clubhouse has been sealed
ED is moving to QLD and the club will need a new book keeping treasurer. New person will need to have knowledge of MYOB. Booking Keeping is quite easy and doesn’t require a lot of time. GN to speak to his wife about taking on the position.
ED also pointed out that the club is not allowed under any circumstances to sell or provide alcoholic beverages over the counter in the canteen. BR to have a sign made up to display in the canteen.
We have received a donation from Deloittes for $250. This will help towards the cost of the training bibs recently purchased.
Social Events
Barefoot Bowls was a fun event. We had approx 30 people attend. Would have liked more but there was a lot on that day. Ticket sales and raffles made a small profit.
Committee decided to go ahead with Greyhound Races on 17th May. BR will have leaflets printed up. We will also look at sponsoring a race.
BR showed new merchandise. Beanies to be sold for $12, Caps $15, Jackets $39, Hoodies $29, Umbrellas $35. Aprons to be purchased for BBQ. New merchandise to be added to the website. Preferred that we deliver them to people’s homes other than add on postage costs.
The Sandbar Café at Dee Why Beach has come on board as a new sponsor. They will be sponsoring man of the match and encouragement awards. Each child who wins one of these awards each week will be given a certificate to entitle them to one free kids meal, drink & dessert at Sandbar. No terms & conditions – the certificate can be used any day of the week. They will also honour it for older children who may not want a kids meal. BR to have certificates printed – most likely ready for week 2 of competition.
Request was made for man of the match and encouragement award names to be emailed by managers each week and displayed on the website and facebook page.
BR is going to attend a meeting to look at selling the Entertainment booklets to make some money for the club. It doesn’t cost us anything to sell the books and would make a little bit of profit.
Other Business
Jerseys have been distributed but there are some problems with them being too large. New jerseys to be ordered depending upon requirements – reorder to take 6 to 7 weeks.
Lights at Griffith Park to be on until Mick, Justine, Graham or Barry turn them off.
Keys are being distributed to teams to access 1st cage only for access to gear. No kids to be allowed access to the cage.
MB to attach important information and forms to the Cougars website ie Serious Injury Form to be completed for anyone admitted to hospital or for a head or neck injury.
Mick Barry and Guy Fleming organized a rugby training session at St Rose school this week which went well.
It was recommended that next year we look at changing the skills day to start the young mini’s at an earlier time to the other age groups. This year there was too much waiting around for that age group and they may have been scared off by the amount of contact with the demonstrations.
Next Meeting
Next meeting Monday 28th April 2014 at 7.30pm
Meeting concluded at 9:30pm.