Collaroy Rugby Club Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: 21 January 2014
Time: 08:00 pm
Location: Griffith Park Clubhouse
Attendees: Graham Davies, Cel Green, Paul Van Der Zwaag, Lata Wilkinson, Cheryle Riley, Bruce Nicholas, Peter Bremner, Crombie Pitts, Barry Muncke, Simon Jones, Grant Newark
Apologies: Mick Barry, Eileen Dunkley, Tim Lockrey, Phil Feltscheer, Kirsty Lambly
Chair: Graham Davies
Minutes: Cheryle Riley
Pre Season Newsletter
GD advised that the Pre-Season Newsletter was well received. Of 240 Newsletters sent out, only 3 were returned. Consideration given to having a monthly newsletter with updates from each team, to be submitted by coach or manager to advise how their team is going, individual performances etc PB to seek assistance to obtain a template for coaches/managers to easily fill out. Newsletter would be emailed and also posted on the website.
Social Events
GD advised that he has received positive responses regarding the social events. Need to confirm dates of the social events listed in the Newsletter and Website. Ex Life Members and presidents to be invited to social events to help build social aspect of the club.
Coaching Update
BN advised the coaches night will be organised for Monday 10th Feb in the Clubhouse, strongly recommend all coaches to attend. Rod Macqueen to meet with coaches to discussed coaching styles for 2014 and receive buy in from all coaches for the structure of training sessions. BN to email already nominated coaches to advise of date for coaches night and mention to be given on the website. Website to give mention to teams that do not already have a coach to encourage anyone interested to attend on 10th Feb.
BM to contact council to request Skills Day at Griffith Park, preferably 9th March to avoid clash with cricket & nippers competition. BN to arrange for Warringah Rats to run the skills day and a ‘games approach’ to be trialled.
BN advised that sessions will be available for coaches one night a month to come along and seek assistance with training or ask questions.
Smart Rugby – all coaches must complete the Smart Rugby Coaching Course. ARU will run it for free for a group of coaches. TL is presently working on dates and will send out to coaches/managers.
Training on Griffith Park to begin Late Feb/March on the oval. BM has requested and will advised when confirmed by the council.
Registration dates to take place on 1st & 8th February in the Cougars Clubhouse. Signs to go up at Augusta Shops to advise that registration will take place at Griffith Park. GD speaking to Steve at Doyle Spillane to see if they can advertise registration on the electric signage. Message to go out via Buddha to remind people of registration dates. Suggestion of a tent at Nippers on one day handing out leaflets.
A5 leaflets to be printed and delivered via letterbox drop. GD to advise when leaflets are printed and committee to assist with delivering into areas from Mactier St, Narrabeen to South Creek Road.
BBQ to be ran on registration day with informal touch footy games. 8am set-up of BBQ ready for 9am registration. GD organizing food stocks for BBQ.
3 major sponsors this year, Doyle Spillane, ASCH’S IGA Collaroy Beach and VIVAX METROTECH . Jerseys are to be printed with sponsor logo’s. Jerseys to be printed rotating each sponsor from the front, to the back and the sleeves giving each sponsor equality through the age groups.
Training shirts will be issued to each child this year and will be white shirt, large Cougars logo on the front and sponsors on the back – club is asking for sponsorship of $1,000 for each logo. These are not jersey club sponsors and they are giving parents within the club the first option to sponsor the training shirts. Already have 5 sponsors and could take 2 more.
Training shirts to be issued to each child this year and others on sale for public to buy.
Cougars Polo shirts to be issued to coaches & Managers.
Team Training Kit Bags & First Aid Kits to be updated. Committee members to work on them on registration day. Sponsor from Active Lifestyles may be able to assist with purchasing additional gear required.
Committee Meetings
Committee Meetings to be scheduled for first Monday of each month at 7.30pm. In the event of public holidays, meeting dates will be changed and advised accordingly.
Date of Next Meeting
17th February at 7.30pm (after rego days and coaches night)
Meeting adjourned at 9.20pm.