Collaroy Rugby Club Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: 20th February 2014
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Griffith Park Clubhouse
Attendees: Graham Davies, Cel Green, Paul Van Der Zwaag, Lata Wilkinson, Cheryle Riley, Bruce Nicholas, Crombie Pitts, Barry Muncke, Grant Newark, Belinda Robinson, Mick Barry, Eileen Dunkley, Tim Lockrey, Simon Jones
Apologies: Kirsty Lambly, Peter Bremner, Phil Feltscheer
Chair: Graham Davies
Minutes: Cheryle Riley
Minutes from last meeting on 21 January 2014
Minutes were agreed.
Actions arising from last meeting
No outstanding actions from meeting on 21st January
Skills day
Skills Day confirmed for 9th March. Council have confirmed this date is OK. Rod Macqueen has arranged for Warringah Rats and the Rats coach to come along. Rod is also hoping to be able to attend. Cougars to run a BBQ during Skills Day with kids to receive a Sausage sandwich after play has finished. Golden Oldies game to take place against Dee Why.
Trial games
GD advised trial games have been scheduled with Narrabeen & Dee Why. Hoping to have the games at Griffith Park but could be a clash with cricket. 23rd March will be against Narrabeen and 30th March against Dee Why. Mini’s Gala Day at James Morgan Reserve, Dee Why is scheduled for 23rd March.
Training shirts
GD confirmed that training shirts are almost ready. 7 training shirt sponsor logos to be printed on them. A profit was made for the club of $1,000 on the shirts. Delish Drinks have also given stock to be sold at the canteen. If the shirts are ready, they will be handed out at the Skills day on 9th March.
SJRU nomination of grades for junior teams
GD advised that he will be giving nominations for grading to SJRU by Friday 21st February.
There is a problem with numbers for 15’s as we have only 12 registered in that grade at the moment. GD to contact Sue from Narrabeen to enquire about a possible merge of teams.
Nippers Branch Carnival at Collaroy
Cougars were invited to have a BBQ at the recent Nippers Carnival at Collaroy Beach. We made a profit of $850.
PVDZ advised we have 218 registered players as of 4.30pm on 20th February. 118 mini’s and 100 juniors. Still expecting stragglers. Cougars will have 18 teams which is increased from last year as we had 15 teams in 2013. List of registered players to be sent out to coaches and managers for them to check and chase players from last year who may not have registered as yet.
Coaching Director/Coordinator
Coaches meeting (11th Feb) and training demonstration with U13’s (17th Feb) was held with Rod Macqueen. BN advised that it was well received but he feels that we have about 50% acceptance rate at this point in time. Need to reinforce again with coaches. Will do the training demonstration with U10’s on Tuesday night and U11’s and U12’s on Wednesday night. Need to look into obtaining bibs to be used for training to make it easier to differentiate between the two teams. Possibly use old Cougars jerseys with the sleeves cut off.
Good to run monthly sessions with coaches to enable them to ask questions and talk through the new training format.
Coaching kids rugby course incorporating SmartRugby course will be held on 24th March from 6pm to 9pm. A message was sent to coaches on 20th Feb advising of date and details. Will need access to the screen in the clubhouse.
Cougars were approached to hold Assistant Referee’s Course at Griffith Park but was decided to say no as the clubhouse will be too small. We will also say no to Referee’s Course. CP to reply to them via email.
BM asked committee to identify what days/times are required for training on Griffith Park to attempt to save on costs prior to season opening. Following days/times discussed for each age group:
9’s – Thursday 5.30pm
8’s – 2 x 8’s teams on Thursday and 2 x 8’s teams on Friday
10’s – Tuesday 6pm to 7.30pm
11’s – Wednesday 6pm to 7.30pm
12’s – Wednesday 6pm to 7.30pm
13’s – Tuesday 6pm to 7.30pm
15’s – Wednesday 6pm to 7.30pm
Possible organized touch footy game on Monday Night to utilise Griffith Park
BM advised each team should nominate a person to receive the SMS functionality to turn the lights off at the conclusion of training if they are the last team on the field.
Consideration given to a “Managers Information Evening” to provide them with details as to what the manager’s position entails.
Invoice has been received by council for costs in March but will not be paid until we hear if council are within their rights to charge for pre season use. If we do need to pay it then we may be able to reduce the invoice with revision of field use.
Council have asked if we are open to making full payment for use of the field at the beginning of the season. LW & ED advised that this would be fine.
BM has spoken to council about the mess that the cricket teams left in the clubhouse the previous weekend and council have agreed to bill the responsible cricket club for this mess. He has also discussed with council that the verandah around the clubhouse needs to be sealed. They have agreed to pay half. We have been quoted $2,400 max and it was agreed to proceed with this. Council have advised that they will be fixing the car park located to the right of the clubhouse.
It was discussed that a key would be issued to each team for downstairs, they will each be asked to a sign a responsibility form to ensure the keys are returned at the end of season.
Major sponsors & training shirt sponsors to be invoiced pre season (March). Cover letter to go with the invoice to thank them for their sponsorship and advise them of the social events we have coming up during the season.
Social events
Barefoot bowls 29 March 2014 Dee Why Bowling Club – BR to have some DL’s printed to hand out at Skills Day. Grant has organized the bowling at Calabria Club. Adults only, no kids – this to be added to the posters/flyers.
GD to send life members details of any club social events.
Facebook/social media needs to be used more strongly to get the message out about Social Events and other Cougars messages. We would like more photo’s of games/kids to be used on the website but need to obtain parent permission. It was decided that managers will ask each parent to sign a disclaimer to use photo’s of their children on the Cougars website.
GN suggested a cougar with a hole in it to be used to throw a ball – everyone agreed it’s a good idea.
Merchandise – Cel & Belinda to go through what we presently have in stock and decide is needed. Belinda to receive quotes for Hoodies, Lanyards & Caps in the interim.
Other business
A working bee will take place in the “gear room” on Saturday 1st March.
Next Meeting
Next meeting Monday 3 March 2014 at 7.30pm
Meeting concluded at 9.20pm.