Collaroy Rugby Club Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: 17/12/2012
Start Time: 07:15 pm
Finish Time: 09:40 pm
Location: Griffith Park Clubhouse
Attendees: Peter Bremner, Karen Green, Barry Muncke, Crombie Pitts, Lata Wilkinson, Mike Gibbons, Mick Barry, Paul Van Der Zwaag
Apologies: Graham Davies, Eileen Dunkley, Tim Lockrey, Andrew Ross, Bruce Nicholas
Chair: Barry Muncke
Minutes: Mike Gibbons
Approval of the Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes were agreed. Proposer: BM Seconded: CP
Minis Fees
With the club facing new expenditures for clubhouse lease and flood lighting, the committee considered the desirability of abandoning the previous policy of waving fees for minis. The committee felt that returning and new members would understand the logic of raising fees and that this would not deter membership. The provision of free socks and shorts to offset the raised costs was also considered.
- Establish a registration fee of $30 for minis
- Raise registration fees for juniors by $30 to $140
- Provide a discount of 10% for each additional child in a family
- Continue the policy of giving free socks but shorts to be provided by member
Registration Signs and Dates
The committee considered a proposal for new signage on 20 Coreflutes at a cost of approx. $30 each. An alternative of modifying the existing signage to cover the word “FREE” with a sticker saying “$30” was also considered.
Registration dates of 2 and 7 February were confirmed. Purchase of Coreflutes was rejected in favor of modifying existing signage.
Advertising Promotion Plans
KG presented Manly Daily advertising rate sheet. A special offer was available this week for business size card ads in January but the time frame was considered too short to take advantage of it. The cost of block advertising in January was thought to give a poor ROI so discussion turned to printing A5 flyers for letter-box stuffing and search-engine keyword advertising.
MB agreed to look at search engine improvement for Collaroy Rugby club to include words “northern beaches” so we obtain a higher listing on google searches.
It was decided to hand deliver flyers.
Survey Update
KG presented a draft of a survey form to elicit information from member families re the kind of activities they would like to see the club offer. This was also seen as an opportunity to get occupation/profession information from parents with a view to building a club business directory.
A great opportunity to build cohesion within the Cougars family.
Committee Liability
MG distributed by email a copy of the “Model Constitution” provided by the NSW Office of Fair Trading. This is the constitution the club used when incorporating. The constitution does not formally limit office bearers liability. Committee members were concerned that they are open to lawsuits but were unsure of what risks they were open to.
It was thought that legal advice was necessary to get a truer picture of risks and the insurance coverage that may be needed.
SJRU Meeting Report
BM summarized the major results of the meeting:
- Do’s and Dont’s to be posted at match venues
- 2 ground marshals at each match controlling behaviour
- Team boxes to be set up at each ground
- Affiliation fees unchanged
- Minor rule changes
- Season starts weekend of 6/7 April
- New initiative for children with special needs
- Tribute to Bryson Anderson
- Pilot program for providing qualified first aid officers
It was felt that a donation of $1 per player to the Bryce Anderson memorial fund would be appropriate. The committee also endorsed the pilot first aid program at a cost of up to $15 per player. This further justifies the increase in registration fee. It may also alleviate parent’s reticence to have their kids play rugby if they know first aid is available.
Clubhouse Update
The committee reviewed the latest iteration of the license proposal from the Warringah Council. While the committee had a number of concerns, they were considered minor except for an apparent contradiction between the club being responsible for security while the council controlled the keys. The committee also noted that the building was not yet fit for occupancy.
The committee accepted the proposal and approved moving forward subject to clarification of the security issue and the building being made fit for occupancy before final signature
Date of Next meeting
Due to committee member absences over the holidays the next meeting was delayed until January 28, 2013.
The meeting closed at 9:40 pm.