Collaroy Rugby Club Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: 3 March 2014
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Griffith Park Clubhouse
Attendees: Graham Davies, Cel Green, Paul Van Der Zwaag, Cheryle Riley, Crombie Pitts, Barry Muncke, Grant Newark, Belinda Robinson, Mick Barry, Eileen Dunkley, Simon Jones, Peter Bremner
Apologies: Phil Feltscheer, Kirsty Lambly, Bruce Nicholas, Lata Wilkinson, Tim Lockrey
Chair: Graham Davies
Minutes: Cheryle Riley
Minutes from last meeting on 20th February 2014
Minutes were agreed.
Actions arising from last meeting
All outstanding actions to be discussed in agenda items.
Skills day
All fine with Skills Day for Sunday 9th March. Council have confirmed Griffith Park is available. Warringah Rats + coach are confirmed to attend as is Rod Macqueen. Skills day to start at 9.30am with BBQ after. We will sell merchandise on the day in the club house for limited time.
Trial games
Sue from Narrabeen has confirmed they are available for Trial games on 23rd March. 20 minute halves. 10’s, 11’s, 12’s and 13’s will all have games. GD to check with Chris from Dee Why on which of their grades would like a trial game on 30th March. BM to check with council on availability of Griffith Park on 30th March.
Junior Grading Rules
There is confusion regarding the rules of kids playing up a grade. MB to send details of players in question to GD to who call to clarify rules.
U15’s update
Sue from Narrabeen has confirmed that they have 8 players registered for U15’s. Collaroy have 10 or 11 players and therefore a merge between the clubs for U15’s would be a suitable outcome. GD to speak with Sue to give a deadline as decisions need to be made ASAP. U15’s are starting training on Wednesday 5th March and Narrabeen players would be welcome to join the training session. Plan B would be to speak with Forest to see if they are interested in merging their U15’s team against Collaroy.
Sporting Union & Council Meeting
GD to attend a meeting with Sporting Union & Warringah Council on Wednesday 5th March concerning the leasing of sporting venue’s. GD to update committee at next meeting.
We have received a few extra registrations since last meeting. Registrations now stand at 226 – 230. Most registrations we have had in 4 years which is a great result. Some people have had problems with Buddha but Paul has sent forms out to these people directly.
CG advised there have been some concerns raised about training time and grading for U9’s. He is working on this with the managers of the teams.
Would be good to have a few more players in U10’s to help with numbers in the teams.
SJRU have been slow sending funds through this year – only 1 payment received to date.
Refunds – some people have been contacting Eileen directly asking for refunds. Refunds will be taken into account on a case by case basis but generally before the season starts, we will refund registration less $20 admin fee but after season begins, there will be no refunds unless a special case.
BR showed some photo’s of stock from a supplier who can produce it in 2 weeks. BR will attempt to get samples to show committee on Skills Day so that we can proceed with an order. Confirmed that online sales have been set up and we will sell available merchandise at Skills Day. CG has a list of what merchandise is available in the Gear Room. MB to send BR a high resolution logo.
Social events
Barefoot bowls 29 March 2014 Dee Why Bowling Club – BR has had posters printed to display at the Clubhouse and will have leaflets printed to hand out at Skills Day.
GN has obtained prices for Randwick Race Course for social event in May – suggested date 17th May. Prices may be too high for what they include and therefore GN has also looked at pricing for Wentworth Park Greyhounds which is more reasonable. Decision to be made at a future meeting.
Other business
Working Bee went well although could have been more helpers! We have some equipment which can be donated to council and given to country clubs. BM to ask the council when they can pick it up.
GD has been approached by a company who are able to build an App for us which would provide information and have push notifications to assist with things such as wet weather etc Cost is $550 incl GST to set up and $59 x 12 months (12 month minimum) GD to send email around to the committee to collect feedback. May be better off to upgrade the facebook page. We can discuss at the next meeting.
Next Meeting
Next meeting Monday 31st March 2014 at 7.30pm
Meeting concluded at 9.20pm.