Collaroy Rugby Club Committee Meeting Minutes

Date: 16 July 2013

Time: 08:00 pm

Location: Griffith Park Clubhouse

Attendees: Barry Muncke, Crombie Pitts, Mike Gibbons, Graham Davies, Mick Barry, Tim Lockrey, Paul Van Der Zwaag, Peter Bremner, Lata Wilkinson, Eileen Dunkley

Apologies: Bruce Nicholas, Karen Green

Chair: Barry Muncke

Minutes: Mike Gibbons

Approval of the Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes were agreed. Proposed: PVDZ Seconded: CP

Club Database


MG reported 30 matches had been recorded. U6 white, U7 red have been most prolific users followed by U8, U9, U10 and U12. No input from U14. There were some teething problems that have mostly been resolved. Import of data from Buddah caused some problems.


VP’s to follow up with managers to stress importance to club of improved record keeping.

Coaches and Managers


BM reported that meeting with U14 coach and manager had been held with a positive outcome.

BM also reported that the meeting with other coaches and managers had been very positive with commitment to game day set up and other ground management duties.


There was agreement that U10’s would be graded next year with a grading day to be organized in conjunction with skills day.



Ross Townhill and Steve Massey have agreed to fund a canopy for $1500 each. Tim Lockrey to sponsor goal posts and corner posts. It should be the responsibility of managers to setup sponsor’s canopies. Jersey sponsorships run for three years and will need to be renewed next year.

Club Forward Planning


MG reported he had prepared survey and distributed to committee. The survey was prepared on ‘Survey Monkey’ and is limited to 10 questions, the maximum allowed without payment of a fee. Committee members to get feedback to MG by Friday.


Survey should be sent out emphasizing committee’s desire for feedback to build for next season. (after meeting, BM gave MG OK to send out survey immediately)

Rental License Agreement


BM reported agreement is with Dept of Land. Very likely that the club will not be required to pay for any outgoings as Council has taken responsibility for renting clubhouse.

Annual Ball


BM has obtained the services of an event organizer at no cost to the club. She will assume all responsibility for planning and organizing the event which will be held August 10 at golf club.

Golf Day Review


BM reported a profit of $851 on the day, not huge but valuable as a good will event. There was discussion about partnering with the Sargood Centre for next year to improve revenue.

Financial Report


LW reported an operating profit for the year-to-date of $11,000 although there will be more expenses and canteen income to come.

SJRU Letters Re: U10


BM reported that the club had received letters from the SJRU regarding a U10 incident involving a Cougars and opposition parent. The SJRU left it with the club to deal with the incident and provided letters to be sent to the committee and coaches and managers of the U10 Whites.


The letters are to sent as directed by the SJRU and the SJRU Code of Conduct be issued to all parents.

Clubhouse Issues


Security is provided by the live-in caretaker.
A a mini’s parent, Nerreene Taylor, has volunteered as canteen coordinator.
An urn has been installed

Team Photos


All Junior teams at home on Sunday 28 July so ideal opportunity for team photos


GD to forward photo contacts emails to CB. CB to organize for 28/7/13

Finals Hosting


BM reported club has offered to hosts finals on 18/8 or 25/8


Committee agreed a good opportunity to show off new facilities. Must wait to hear from SJRU.

Date of Next Meeting

August 12, 2013

Meeting adjourned at 9:45pm.